The Honorable Roxana Cannon Arsht and S. Samuel Arsht

About the
Arsht Cannon Fund

Originally planned by the Honorable Roxana Cannon Arsht and S. Samuel Arsht, who committed their time and wealth to the state they loved, the Arsht-Cannon Fund continues their legacy of leadership and charity in perpetuity.

Adrienne Arsht

A history of Philanthropy

Created in 2004, the Arsht-Cannon Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation is advised by Adrienne Arsht, Chair of the Arsht-Cannon Fund’s Advisory Committee


Our Work is focused on...

Partnering with Delaware’s Latinx communities and the organizations that serve them to:

  • Promote success and life-changing opportunities
  • Increase access to culturally- and linguistically relevant programs
  • Support trust, integration and empowerment

Since 2004

  • $10 million+ in funding
  • More than 60 nonprofits have become “Hispanic-serving”
  • Programs expanded reach into Latino communities locally and statewide
  • Investments in staff development to better serve the community
  • Measurable collective impact