All four organizations who worked on the English Learner Fact Sheet series are part of theEducation Equity Delaware coalition, which has applauded the governor for proposing additional per-pupil funding for ELs and low-income, and also acknowledge this must be just one important first step toward a long-term solution to make sure funding follows students, fully recognizes their needs, , is flexible at the school level, is publically transparent and accountable, and is sustainable and predictable.
The coalition remains committed to working together with political leaders to build upon the Opportunity Funding and enact a full vision of weighted student funding in Delaware to best serve our students. Our long-term vision includes an investment for high-needs students and also fixing the underlying unit system. Transitioning to a more flexible system where dollars follow students improve transparency, equity, efficiency, and create the conditions needed to leverage all our education investments to target the needs of students and impact student learning. |