Parent Information Center of Delaware, Inc.
The Parent Information Center of Delaware, Inc. serves parents of children with diverse needs across Delaware. It is the only organization charged by the U.S. Dept. of Education/Office of Special Education (per the Individuals with Disabilities Act) to provide families of children with special education needs with the information, education, support and referrals necessary to access a free, appropriate public education and related services for their children with intellectual, physical, learning and emotional disabilities. The Arsht-Cannon Fund partners with the Parent Information Center for the Creciendo Como Padres (CCP) which supports Sussex County Hispanic parents of children between the ages of 3 and 8 develop the independent advocacy skills necessary to overcome obstacles to access and participate in services vital to their exceptional children’s growth and their own successful integration into the larger community. Annually, over 700 Hispanic families receive PIC services and 50 workshops and webinars are presented in Spanish.